Wooden table with a pie, mashed potatoes, and a turkey. There is a pitcher of gravy and a candle. Fall leaves and berries are placed between dishes as decor.

How to be a Good Host for a Dinner Guest with Vision Loss

More and more people over age 45 have significant vision loss. That means there’s a good chance someone at your holiday gathering may have deteriorating eyesight that can’t be improved by wearing glasses. 

It can be difficult to know what someone can see and where that person may struggle in a new location. If you’re hosting someone with vision loss, there are easy and subtle things you can do to provide a low-vision-friendly holiday gathering. As a host, don’t put extra focus on the person with vision loss. Keep all table settings uniform, so that the person with vision loss is not singled out.

Here are five easy tips for being a good host when you have a guest with vision loss.

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