January Tag Everything Challenge

It’s a new year, a fresh start, and what better time to make things around your home more accessible? Our 31-day Tag Everything Challenge gives daily ideas for labeling all sorts of things, including food, clothing, appliances, and more. It began January 1 and runs through the end of the month.

What is the Tag Everything Challenge? We’re glad you asked!

This challenge offers daily ideas for tagging your things with WayAround. We give daily suggestions for items to tag and how to add details. We also answer one of the most common questions about WayAround – which tag should you use for different items? By the end of the month, participants will be better organized, with more accessible information about lots of things.

For people brand new to WayAround, this is a great way to get started! And for people who have already tagged some items, this challenge will give you new ideas about how you can use WayAround.

We will update this post periodically so you can stay up-to-date with the daily challenge tasks. Most recent challenge tasks are listed first. If you’d like to receive daily email updates, email connect@wayaround.com to be added to the list.

Challenge Prizes!

Anyone who writes at least 50 new WayTags between January 1 and 31 will be entered to win a prize:

  • One winner receives the Grand Prize of $250 of WayAround products of your choice.
  • One runner up receives $100 of WayAround products of your choice.
  • Three participants receive any 2 packs of 25 WayTags of your choice.

You don’t need to sign up to be considered for the drawing. Just get tagging! Be sure to write 50 new WayTags in January. Editing existing tags won’t count. By the way, we can view the number of tags written to any account, but we cannot see your data. Your information is private to your account.

January 25: Jewelry

Use WayAround on your jewelry and accessories to describe the piece and any other information about the designer, where you got it, who gave it to you (if it was a gift), and outfits it goes with.

The key to labeling jewelry is to use a WayTag that won’t stay on the piece while you’re wearing it. With some creativity and a good organization system, you can do it.

Tray systems work well because they are modular and items won’t slide around between compartments. It’s best to have only one piece per compartment. Trays are great for earrings, rings, brooches, and more. Use a round WayTag sticker on the side of the tray and describe your layout row by row. If you have a large tray, use one WayTag per row. In the description field, write the category—for example: “casual earrings” or “Blue jewelry.” Then use the Custom Detail type to describe the contents of each tray. Use the Label field to list the compartment position from left to right. Use the Text field to describe the item. Here’s an example:

Description: Casual earrings
Custom Details
Label: Row 1, Compartment 1
Text: Gold hoop earrings.

For necklaces, you can use a similar system as I described above. If you have a hanging system, slide a WayClip onto the hook or peg behind the necklace. You can also attach a WayClip plastic clip to the necklace itself. To do so, unclasp the necklace and slide one end through a WayClip. Carefully position the WayClip so it will not affect the necklace while it is in storage. Be sure to remove the WayClip before you wear the jewelry!

January 24: Refrigerator Drawers

Add a round WayTag sticker to the front of refrigerator drawers to label contents and describe how to adjust the humidity settings. This idea works for the fruit and vegetable drawers as well as the deli drawer. If there’s something you need to eat soon, make a note to remind yourself.

January 23: Supplies for Crafting or a Hobby

You can use WayTags for yarn, woodworking, stamping or scrapbooking, and even electronics. As always, the type of WayTag you choose depends on what you are tagging. Use the Custom Detail Type to add relevant information. See below for some ideas!


Use jumbo stitch markers with an oval hole button. Some people prefer using a two hole WayTag button with a pipe cleaner threaded through the two holes. A WayAround user and knitting instructor named Dixie sent in some tips about how she uses WayAround:

  1. I label each skein of yarn by clipping a WayTag oval hole button to the skein with a jumbo Clover locking stitch marker. I record the information about the yarn, fiber, color, care, dye lot, and anything else I need to remember from the label.
  2. I clip a WayTag to my work-in-progress using a jumbo stitch marker. On this one, I record the name of the project, yarn I am using, color, pattern, and what row I have completed. Then I update it each time I put the project down. I am sure you have found those UFOs (unfinished objects) in your craft closet, and it has been lingering there for a bit, and well, what row was I on? What color was this project? Which pattern was I using? With a handy little WayTag clipped to the work, all those questions are answered in a quick scan of the WayTag.

Thanks for the great ideas, Dixie!

Stamps and Scrapbooking Supplies

WayTags added to your crafting supplies can help keep you organized and provide specific information about your supplies. Add a round WayTag sticker to rubber stamps, describing the pattern. Add a bump dot or loc-dot placed at the top left corner to help orient correct placement. You can also tag ink pads. For multi-colored ink pads, list the colors from left to right.

Group similar paper, stickers, and other scrapbooking supplies in pocket folders or file folders and use a WayTag to describe the category. For example, “blue patterned paper” or “Birthday stickers.” If you have another organizing system such as plastic drawers, you can apply the same principles of grouping similar items and adding a WayTag to label the groups. If you only have a few sheets, use a WayClip to keep them together and labeled.


Woodworkers often store lumber on metal shelving. Use square on-metal stickers to label the shelves. Group species of wood together and label each group by placing a WayTag sticker on the shelf where you store the wood.

You can also label tools and equipment with WayTags. Depending on the size and shape, you may be able to use a WayTag sticker directly on the tool. Another option is to use an oval hole button affixed with a rubber band or zip tie. You can include operating instructions, links to online user manuals, and more. For online tutorials or patterns, you can include the link for easy reference.

January 22: Remote Controls

Use a round WayTag sticker for your remote controls. In the description field, describe what the remote is for and the location it should be stored. For example, “Remote for downstairs TV” or “DVD player in bedroom.”

Use the custom details to note the button names and positions as well as instructions for accessing frequently used programs or apps. You can also include battery sizes and quantity to make replacing batteries simple.

January 21: Boxes of Cereal

Place a WayClip onto the skinny edge at the top of the box. Point the WayClip down so that it sits flush against the cereal box. If you have different categories of cereals—sweet and sugar free, or gluten free and regular—you can use round and square WayClips for a tactile differentiator. You can also place a WayClip near the bottom of the box to distinguish different categories.

In the Description field, enter the name and flavor of the cereal. Add any other details using the Grocery Item detail type.

January 20: Microwave

Appliances with touch screens or complex commands can be difficult to access to their full potential. WayAround is a great tool to store operating instructions and more. This one is a more involved challenge task, but remember you can start simple and edit the tag later to add more information.

Use a WayTag magnet or sticker to identify the buttons on your microwave. Be sure to place the WayTag somewhere that it won’t cover up any of the buttons or displays. Setting up the WayTag will likely require sighted assistance to be sure everything is input accurately. You can use a service like Aira or ask a friend or family member. When you are ready to create the WayTag, use the Description field to describe the microwave settings you most frequently use.

Buttons are generally grouped together for similar purposes such as one-touch operation, the number pad, Clear/Off and Start/Pause, timers and clocks, and vents and lights. Add a Custom Detail to describe each group of functions. We’ve provided a sample template below. We recommend using the Label field to name the group of buttons and the Text field to list out each button and its purpose. Label the groups and buttons from top to bottom and left to right, just like you read a page.

Here’s an example:

Custom Detail One
Label:  One touch operation
Text field:
Row 1 Button 1. Popcorn.
Row 1 Button 2. Vegetable.
Row 1 Button 3. Reheat.
Row 2 Button 1. Beverage.
Row 2 Button 2. Potato.

In the Text field, there are a couple of formatting tips that will optimize how VoiceOver reads the information. First, start a new line for each button. At the end of each line, add a period so that VoiceOver gives a longer pause between lines. This makes hearing the instructions a little easier, especially if you are a newer VoiceOver user.

For buttons that are flat or undetectable, like those on a touchscreen, you can add a bump dot or loc-dot on top of each button. You can also add a bump dot to identify each group.

January 19: Supplements

The process for tagging supplements is very similar to tagging your scripts. (See the January 6th task for more information on prescription medications.) In the Description field, label the supplement with the name, the dosage, and how often to take it. As with scripts, use the Custom Detail to describe the shape of the pill and other identifying information. Secondly, add sourcing information. This could include the name of the store where you purchase the supplement, or if you order online, include a link directly to the product.

Use either a WayTag sticker or a WayClip or oval-hole button with a rubber band around the container. If you use a WayTag sticker, we recommend placing it on the bottom of the bottle and then simply turn the bottles upside down so that the tag is easy to access. When you get a new bottle, transfer the pills into the bottle with the WayTag.

January 18: Two Varieties of Something

Tag two varieties of food items. For example, regular coffee and decaf, salted and unsalted butter, brown and yellow mustard, two flavors of chips. You get the idea!

If you regularly stock two varieties of something, you can use square and round WayClips or WayTag stickers as a tactile way to tell them apart. For chips, place a WayTag sticker on your favorite type of chip clip. If you decant your coffee into jars, use WayTag stickers on the jars and use WayClips on extra bags of coffee that are in storage. Be consistent with which varieties get square and which get a round WayTag.

Keep the description simple and use the details to record additional information like best before date or recipe information.

January 17: A Drawer

Pick one drawer to tag. It could be in the bathroom, kitchen, office, closet, or somewhere else. The challenge task is to tag the drawer itself, but if you’re feeling ambitious you could also tag items within the drawer.

Tagging drawers, cabinets, and shelves can help you maintain your organization system. In the description field, include a general description of the type of item stored within, like “placemats” or “batteries.” Use the Custom Detail type to list an inventory of what belongs in that drawer or to describe your organization system.

Use a round WayTag sticker on the top-right or top-left of a drawer front. If you don’t want to see the WayTag, open the drawer and place the sticker on the outer side, near the front and above the drawer-glide (if one exists). The WayTag will be accessible when you open the drawer but hidden from view when the drawer is closed.

January 16: Bed Linens

Before you put new sheets on the bed, add a WayTag! Safety pin an oval hole button or sew a two hole button to your bedsheets. You’ll want to tag the fitted sheet, flat sheet, and each pillowcase. By doing so, you can keep sets together even if you wash multiple sets of linens in the same load. When you tag your linens, place the WayTag at the bottom center of the flat and fitted sheets. When you’re making the bed, this will be a tactile way to ensure that the sheets are centered.

January 15: A Collection

If you have an extensive library of books, music, or movies, add a WayTag to keep track of the individual items. Add the title and artist or author in the description field. Add custom details for other important information. You could list tracks or chapters with page numbers. Some WayAround users even look up liner notes on Wikipedia and copy and paste that information to a WayTag.

Place a round WayTag sticker at the top left corner on the front or on the spine of a book. If you prefer to tag the CD or DVD itself, use a round WayTag sticker on the label side of the disc. Place the WayTag as close as possible to the center of the CD/DVD without interfering with the center hole or ridges. If you decide to place a WayTag on a DVD or CD, do not remove it as there could be damage to the surface.

Do you collect something other than music, movies, or books? You can tag those collections, too. Whether you collect yarn, stamps, figurines, or something else, WayAround provides an accessible way to add the information that’s important to you.

January 14: Bread Bags

Head to your kitchen and find the sandwich bread. Pull the end of the plastic bread bag through the holes in a WayClip plastic clip. The tabs on the WayClip will keep wrappers closed.

If you have different types of bread—white and wheat, gluten free and regular—use one round WayClip and one square WayClip for a tactile differentiator. You can still write information to the WayClip so you don’t have to rely on your memory. Be sure to include the Best Before date. This is especially important if you purchase in bulk and freeze bread for use later. Be sure to tag the bread BEFORE it goes into the freezer so you’ll know which loaf should be used first.

January 13: First Aid Kit

Is your first aid kit organized and up to date? It’s recommended to check all contents every six months. Labeling your first aid kit with WayAround will make it much easier from here on out.

First, inspect everything inside the kit. Is anything damaged? Are there any products that are running low or need to be replaced? Are you missing any key supplies?

Once you have all of the supplies for your first aid kit, it’s time to get tagging! For each item, create a WayTag with the item name, usage instructions or dosing, size (for bandaids or gauze pads), and expiration dates. If you order any supplies online, include the URL so you can easily reorder.

Which WayTag should you use?

  • Group gauze pads and bandaids by size in plastic baggies. Put a round WayTag sticker on the outside of the bag. Include the quantity you prefer to keep in stock—this will make restocking easier next time you do it.
  • For bottles or tubes of ointment, rubber band a WayClip to the tube. Place the WayClip flat against the tube or bottle and wrap the rubber band so the WayClip is held securely against the container. You don’t want the WayClip to be dangling from any product. Items in a first aid kit tend to be packed in tightly, so you want the WayClip to be secure to save room and ensure that it doesn’t catch on anything else. You to move the WayClip to a new container when you restock.

Finally, add a WayTag to the kit itself. Sew a WayTag two-hole button to a canvas kit or securely fasten an oval hole button to the handle. If the kit is plastic, use a round WayTag sticker. When you write the WayTag, use the Custom Detail Type to list an inventory of supplies. When you create custom details, there are two fields: the label and the text. Write the name of the item (ex. Sterile Gauze Pad, 3 x 3 inches) in the Label field. Then write the expected quantity in the text field. Finally record the date that you last took inventory of your first aid kit. This will make restocking a breeze and give you confidence that you have the supplies you need when you need them.

January 12: Charging Cords

Do you have charging cords here, there, and everywhere? Tag your charging cables to identify which device they go with and any specific location they should be stored.

You can use a pipe cleaner and a 2-hole button to tag your cables. Pull the pipe cleaner through the two holes, with equal lengths on both sides. Wrap each end of the pipe cleaner tightly around the cable and away from the 2-hole button.

For an added benefit, use colored pipe cleaners. If you have some vision, you can recognize cables easily by the color, with the ability to read the WayTag for confirmation and more information. If you have no vision, sighted people in your house can identify the cable by color!

What type of information can you add to the WayTag? In the description field, put the name of the device that the cable belongs to. For example, iPhone charging cord. You can also add the name of the owner or the location that the cable should stay. Here’s an example: Jessica’s iPhone charging cord, keep in living room. Another option is to keep the description simple and add details for the owner and location.

January 11: Dress Shirts

Often dress shirts can be difficult to distinguish by feel or even by color-based labels. Using a WayTag allows you to add details about the color, pattern, outfits, and more.

We offer two types of WayTag buttons:

  • The two-hole button. This looks like a traditional button that you sew into a garment. It is about the size of a nickel.
  • The oval hole button. This is about the size of a quarter and has an oval notch in the center. Use a safety pin to attach the oval hole button to a garment.

Both buttons are a hard black plastic. They are waterproof, heat-proof up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and cold-proof down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Choose the two-hole button if you like to sew. If you don’t want to get out a needle and thread, go with the oval hole button.

Where should you attach the button? There are three things to keep in mind – consistency, discretion, and comfort. The buttons are not intended to replace a button on your garment. You want to place it somewhere that it is discreet while you are wearing it. You could attach the button to the bottom hem, the tag, the hem on a sleeve, or inside a pocket. Be sure to select a location that is comfortable while you are wearing the shirt!

Before you start, think through the types of dress shirts you have to find a consistent location that will work for all of your items of clothing. Do you have a mix of short and long sleeve shirts? Are all of your dress shirts button ups, or do you have other styles? Women’s clothing tends to be more varied in style, and many women prefer to attach the buttons along the bottom hem. Also consider whether you hang or fold the clothes, and be sure that you will be able to easily access the WayTag. Once you have decided on the location for the tags, be sure to place the tags consistently: for example, always place the tag on the bottom left or right, or in the center of the collar.

We recommend attaching the WayTags BEFORE writing information to them. Once the tag is attached, you can use assistive technology or a sighted person to describe the shirt. In the description field, you can add detailed information about the color or patterns. A lot of options for labeling clothing have very basic color information like “red” or “blue.” With WayAround, you can be much more specific about your maroon and charcoal gray pin stripe shirt or your navy, aqua, and cream floral blouse.

Why stop at the description? Select the Clothing Care detail type to add laundering instructions and add custom details to describe outfits.

January 10: Canned Goods

Place a WayTag magnet on the top of canned beans, soups, and vegetables. If the can has a pull tab, slide a corner of the magnet under the tab for added security.

If you stack the cans two or three high, limit each stack to one type of food so you only have to scan the can on top.

Pro tip: When you use the can, place the magnet in a container that you keep handy. When it’s time to make your grocery list, scan through the WayTags so you know what to restock. If you use WayAround to keep track of dates or other details, you can edit the tag with an updated Best Before date once you purchase the new can.

January 9: Cleaning Supplies

Many cleaners come in very similar packaging and the sniff test is not a good idea to tell the difference between chemicals. Using WayAround on your cleaning supplies will let you quickly and safely select the best product for the job. Our favorite tag for cleaning supplies is the WayClip, because you can securely affix it to any product and reuse it on a new product.

For most cleaning products, attach a WayClip to the surface of the container with a removable label. You can use square and round WayClips to create a simple tactile system that will differentiate two types of cleaners. For example, you could use square WayClips for kitchen cleaners and round for bathroom cleaners. Or use round WayClips for gentle or natural cleaners and square WayClips with harsh ingredients.

When you add information, use the Cleaning Supply detail type. You can include details like ingredients, warnings, and custom details. If you have favorite online cleaning guides, you can add a URL link as a custom detail.

January 8: Family Photos

Labeling photos with a WayTag means you can preserve your memories. Attach a WayTag sticker to the back of a photo near the bottom left hand corner. You can scan the WayTag from the front of the photo, even if it is in a frame.

Add a general description of the photo in the Description field. Then, add at least two Custom Details using the Custom Detail Type. In the first Custom Detail, list everyone in the photo. In the second Custom Detail, label the date and location. You may add additional Custom Details to include other significant information. When labeling photos, be sure to place the WayTags consistently in the bottom left hand corner. 

This is a great activity to do with friends or loved ones, either in person or virtually. You can use Zoom, FaceTime, or another video conferencing service and hold up photos near the camera. The other person can make suggestions to be sure the photograph is in the video frame and in focus. Reminisce together about fond memories and make notes of those memories on your WayTag.

January 7: Ice Cream

Label ice cream containers to keep track of flavors and ingredients. Use a freezer label to attach a WayClip to ice cream pints or half-gallons. Attach the WayClip to the lid if you reach down into your freezer. Or attach the WayClip to the side of the container if your freezer is closer to eye-level.

The freezer label allows you to remove the WayClip and use it on a new ice cream container or a different item. We’ve suggested several types of freezer labels in our blog post about WayAround accessories. Scroll down on the category called “Labels.”

When you create the WayTag, put the flavor and brand in the description field. Use the Grocery Item detail type to add Dietary Information and Best Before Date.

January 6: Prescription Medications

Keeping track of your medications is really important, and WayAround makes it easy. In the Description field, label a prescription pill bottle with the name of the medication, the dosage, and how often to take it. Then add two Custom Details under the Custom Detail Type:

  1. Add the prescription number
  2. Describe the shape of the pill.

Which style of WayTag works best for medications? We recommend either a WayTag sticker placed on the lid, or a WayClip or oval-hole button with a rubber band around the container. Whichever WayTag you choose, you can transfer it to a new bottle. Be sure to confirm the pill shape when transferring the WayTag to the refill prescription bottle.

One note, if you place a WayTag on the lid, be sure to open only one bottle of medicine at a time. Alternatively, you can place the WayTag sticker on the bottom of the medication bottle and then simply turn your medication bottles upside down so that the tag is easy to access. When you get a new prescription, transfer the pills into the bottle with the WayTag.

Watch our video on managing your medications for even more ideas.

January 5: Assistive Tech Devices

Today, pick one piece of assistive technology and add a WayTag. Add custom details for the serial number, a link to an online User’s Manual, and the customer support phone number. Include any usage instructions that you may have trouble remembering.

By the way, did you know that you can scan WayAround packages? The top left-hand corner of the label on any WayAround package contains a WayTag. If visuals are helpful for you, look for the white circle with the WayAround logo. You can scan to find out what is inside the package and to access online resources like how-to videos and our User Guide. It’s pretty handy!

January 4: Winter Gear and Workout Clothing

Technical fabrics require special care. Care may differ from item to item depending on what fabric your athletic wear is made of. Use a WayTag two-hole or oval hole button to label your gear and describe how to care for it. To attach the WayTag, sew the two-hole button or use a safety pin to attach the oval hole button in a pocket or to the tag on the garment.

You can use a visual description service like Aira to read the fine print on a clothing tag. Write that information to a WayTag so that it is permanently accessible!

Pro-tips for using WayAround on active wear:

  • Use the Clothing Care detail type to record washing and drying instructions.
  • Add a custom detail for any special type of detergent, such as wool wash or washes for synthetic fabrics.
  • For items that require laundering only once or twice a year, record the Cleaned Date to keep track of scheduled cleanings.
  • If the clothing manufacturer has a webpage about care for their products, add the URL to the WayTag for easy access.

January 3: Salad Dressing

Salad dressing typically comes in two types of bottles: a cylindrical bottle or a pyramid shaped bottle that’s widest at the bottom and gradually gets smaller. For cylindrical bottles, you can loop a WayTag oval-hole button through a rubber band and tie it around the bottle. For the pyramid shaped bottle, use a removable label to stick a WayClip to the bottle label. For both types of bottles, avoid attaching the WayTag to the neck of the bottle.

See our blog post about WayTag accessories for links to removable labels that you can purchase from Amazon. There are several different types of labels, including decorative chalkboard labels and labels that are safe to use in the dishwasher or freezer.

January 2: Holiday Decorations

Begin a tradition and tag an ornament with special memories from this holiday season. Or tag boxes of decorations with an inventory of what’s inside. Think how much easier decorating will be next year!

When tagging ornaments, place a WayTag sticker directly onto the ornament in a discreet location. You can also use thread or a pipe cleaner to attach a two hole button near where the string or hook is located. Enter a description of the ornament or decoration in the description field. Add details to record when you received (or purchased) it, who gave it to you, and any other important information you’ll want to remember.

January 1: Your Bathroom Mirror

Attach a round WayTag sticker with removable tape or stick it directly on the mirror. You can also stick the WayTag onto a business card and slip the card behind the mirror or in the corner of a framed mirror. In the description field, add a motivational quote, a personal mantra, or a meaningful scripture that will help set the tone for your day. Also, add a reminder to Tag Something Today!

You can use your mirror tag like an electronic sticky note. Edit the tag before bed to add reminders or notes to self. Get in the habit of scanning the WayTag each morning.

2 thoughts on “January Tag Everything Challenge”

  1. I love my winter scarves! I sewed my waytag buttons onto the scarves. I folded them length wise and sewed the button in the center on one side. It feels good to know I have different fashionable scarves to wear with my winter coat.


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